Tuesday, May 14, 2019

How to distinguish between real and fake news

Founded in 1990, The Canadian Journalism Foundation promotes, celebrates and facilitates excellence in journalism.

The Canadian Journalism Foundation Website

The Canadian Journalism Foundation survey found the number of respondents who question the validity of news reports has jumped 10 per cent in the past year.

The survey found 40 per cent of respondents said they struggled to distinguish between fact-based and false news stories, while 53 per cent reported reading an agenda-driven report masquerading as impartial reporting.

The foundation's survey, conducted between April 3 and 8 by Earnscliffe Strategy Group, assessed news consumption patterns broken down by age group.
It found that respondents across all demographics were increasingly relying on social media for their news.
While 71 per cent of respondents reported turning to traditional print or television outlets and affiliated websites for news coverage in 2016, that dropped to 62 per cent in this year's poll. The number turning to social media rose from 54 to 58 per cent, the survey said.
Read the Canada Press story here:
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