English Classes

How ESL in Canada Recommends Classes

ESL in Canada recommends both free and commercial ESL English classes for example:

the FREE Toronto ESL Cafe English conversation classes, the free LINC classes for new Canadians, the free English classes at many libraries, the free classes at accredited TESL Teaching schools, and some excellent Board of Education continuing education classes that cost 2 or 3 dollars per instructional hour.

ESL in Canada recommends a few affiliated ESL schools with colleges and universities. Some affiliated ESL programs earn the students credits towards an undergraduate degree and enable entry into the regular college or university programs.

Some affiliated programs are not recommended because even some public colleges and universities used ESL students as a money grab, dumping dozens of the same L1 into a class and allowing L1 to be spoken 90% of the time. The college made $$ and the students learned almost nothing.

ESL in Canada recommends a few English classes at excellent independent ESL schools that cost between 12 to 18 dollars per hour with their teachers and their programs and some excellent private ESL and Business English teachers that charge between 20 and 65 dollars per hour.

Online Business & English Classes

The online classes can be designed for individual students or groups of students.

Online classes use combinations of zoom, whatsapp, facetime, text, voip, email and other platforms.

All online teachers are Canadian certified and experienced teachers.

For Business-English, Test-Preparation and ESL-English students that have limited or no in-person access to professional classes or have limited travel time to attend these classes an alternative is available with online English teaching and study programs.

English language students can be level tested to determine what English skills and vocabulary have been acquired and what instruction should be provided.

Email any questions or to start your studies: eslincanada@gmail.com


ESL English Classes in Canada

"ESL" English as a Second Language classes can be generalized into specific types usually by language skills such as: reading, listening, pronunciation, conversation, vocabulary, grammar and writing or be a combination of English language skills.

English classes can be generalized by purpose such as test preparation or English for work.

English classes can be generalized by content such as general purpose or industry specific vocabulary such as math or medicine.

English Language Pronunciation Class

English language pronunciation includes all the mechanical functions and skills of language sound production and the specific word pronunciation patterns of the English language in context.

The mechanical functions and skills include placement of the lips, tongue, use of teeth, glottis, expanding or contracting the mouth cavity, use of nasal passages and soft palate, vocal folds, controlling the intake and outflow of air, devoicing, breathing and timing.

English language pronunciation class skills and exercises include initial consonant and vowel pronunciation, syllable pronunciation, individual syllable stress patterns, diphthongs and consonant clusters, initial word pronunciation, syllable stress patterns in words, intonation and timing for words, phrases, clauses, complete sentences, expressions and interjections.

English language pronunciation class can take the form of individual drills or group drills by listening and repeating the correct English language pronunciation exercises.

English language pronunciation class can take the form of reading and speaking. Students are expected to read and speak aloud correctly pronouncing each of the words or passages.

Advanced English language pronunciation classes can include accent reduction. Accent reduction can be un-learning in-correct pronunciation and re-learning correct English pronunciation. Accent reduction can also be the initial establishment or correction of pronunciation patterns, speed, timing, stress and intonation.

English Language Conversation Lessons and Classes

We know that English Language Conversation Skills consist of language abilities, conversation skills, social skills, culture knowledge and non-verbal communication skills.

English Conversation Lessons can be on one or more of the language skills or fully integrated practice sessions.

English conversation lesson examples include consonant and vowel pronunciation, syllable stress patterns in words, intonation and timing for phrases and expressions, polite words, formal vocabulary, slang and jargon use, correct greetings, use of active sentence constructions, listening carefully, answering directly, using correct gestures to reinforce or further explain spoken words.

English Conversation Classes tend to be fully integrated practice sessions. The conversation partner can be fellow language students or native speakers or ESL teachers.

The English Conversation Classes can be free-flowing with no corrections or be interrupted for corrections or interrupted for corrections and specific lesson review and then continued.

Some English Conversation Class ESL teachers require their students to write new vocabulary words and some will record the entire conversation class so that the students can play back the entire class to repeat and review all the words and pronunciation.

English Conversation Classes can be practice sessions for casual, informal, gossip, face-to-face and everyday conversations.

English Conversation Classes can be practice sessions for conferences, formal, polite, interview, two-way, presentations, consultation, or business small talk.

English Conversation Classes can be practice sessions for chitchat, Q and A, heart-to-heart talk, confab, powwow, bull sessions, talkfest, gabfest, pillow talk and rap sessions.

English Conversation Classes can be fully integrated practice sessions for academic subjects, leisure topics, politics, religion, sports, hobbies, activities, and interests.

English Conversation Classes can be fully integrated practice sessions for sports. The class can be structured to talk about amateur sports, Olympic sports or professional sports and maybe a specific sport like hockey or football. The sports conversation classes can cover sub-topics like leagues, past winners, current standings, coaches, owners, star players, salaries, statistics, dream teams, and future predictions.

English Conversation Classes can be fully integrated practice sessions for business conversations. How to introduce yourself, your company and your products for sale. How to present to one person and small groups and larger groups. How to ask questions and how to answer questions. How to compare and contrast products and services. How to negotiate prices.

English Conversation Classes can be fully integrated practice sessions for music or movies. Some of the classes can be academic and discuss genre or style or methods. Some of the classes can be gossip such as "Brad and Angelina did this ..." or "Britney Spears was seen doing ..."

As a summary English Conversation Classes can be designed for the number, age, level and interests of the students. English Conversation Classes can be designed for the type of conversation, subjects of the conversation, topics and sub-topics of the conversation.

English Language Grammar Class

English language grammar includes all the technical grammar functions, word placement rules and the "language-art skills" of written language production using English language vocabulary.

English grammar class can include the classification, rules and functions for the eight parts of speech: nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, prepositions, conjunctions and interjections.

English grammar class can include the classification, rules and functions for tenses, verbals, conditionals, abbreviations, contractions and punctuation.

English grammar class can include the classification, rules and functions for phrases, clauses and complete sentences.

English grammar class can include the classification, rules and functions for singular or plural, countable or uncountable, male or female or neutral, tangible or intangible, finite or infinite, real or unreal vocabulary words.

English grammar class can include the classification, rules and functions for writing formats, register, audience, level, purpose and style.

English grammar classes can be organized for general English , test-preparation, academic preparation or for working professionals.

English Language Writing Class

English Language writing is defined as: the activity of putting something in written form; the act of creating written works; letters or symbols written or imprinted on a surface to represent the ideas, sounds or words of a language; the work of a writer; anything expressed using the letters of the alphabet in words; and others.

English Language Writing Class can include the mechanical actions, functions and skills for handwriting or electronic data input.

English Language Writing Classes can include all of the English language grammar rules and procedures and specific writing formats, register, audience, level, purpose and style.

English Language Writing Classes can include formal, informal, slang, jargon, expressions, and texting vocabulary.

English Language Writing Classes can be organized for general English writing, writing for test-preparation such as TOEFL TOEIC IELTS or Cambridge tests, academic preparation for undergraduate or graduate programs or working professionals in medicine, law, engineering, science, academics and others.

English Language Vocabulary Class

English language vocabulary classes can be designed for the three different levels: beginner, intermediate and advanced students.

English language vocabulary classes can be designed for students studying math, science, music, art, computers and a wider variety of more specific subjects.

Advanced English language vocabulary classes can be designed for professionals such as medicine, engineering, law, diplomacy or international relations.

In excellent vocabulary classes students will hear, see, say and re-use the target words in context .

Excellent vocabulary classes will enable the learner brain to make a memory. When you see the word, your brain is making one type of memory. When you hear the word, your brain is making another memory of the target word. When you say the word, you are reforming and reinforcing the memory. Repetition will put the short-term memory of learned words into the longer-term memory. With more brain word networks, repetitions and longer term memories the learner will discover it is easier to always use the word in an expanded and accessible English language vocabulary.

English Through Comedy

Explore and examine the variety and nature of comedy in English through film, TV series, sketch shows and political satire. In addition to absorbing language, see how different types of comedy are used in North America.

English Through Film

Expand your knowledge of colloquial vocabulary and expressions by studying and discussing films. Learn about cinematic techniques, read and write movie reviews, and discuss culture and ideas presented in films.

English Through Global Social Issues

This course is designed to develop students' English language skills through the study of global issues. Improve fluency and build vocabulary by exploring and discussing contemporary social issues. Topics reflect global concerns such as women's and children's rights, health care, religion and environmental issues.

English Through Journalism

This course develops your English writing skills with an integrated focus on vocabulary and grammar development. Strengthen your writing skills through the fun and exciting context of journalism. You will have the opportunity to become an investigative reporter for the ILSC Student Newspaper. Develop and refine your skills by researching topics in your host country and writing short articles and blogs. You'll have the opportunity to explore the city, investigate issues that are important to you and build solid writing and interviewing skills.

English Through Media Studies

Take this course if you are interested in developing your English skills through exploring media, social media and their impact on society. You will analyze both the structure and context of newspapers, magazines, television, radio and the Internet.

English Through Music

Explore the language of music while learning about the history of popular music genres. Learn about the roots of hip-hop, jazz, rock and roll, punk and other popular music genres, and discuss some of the famous artists who have contributed to each in music history. The focus on each genre may vary based on the interests of the group. Practice your English through reading and discussing song lyrics and improve your listening comprehension and vocabulary by analyzing the rich stories told in a variety of songs. No musical experience necessary.

English Through Media Studies

Develop your English writing, reading, listening and speaking skills while exploring the history of social media and its various applications for business, politics and personal use. You will learn how social media is changing our world through examining case-studies, and participating in class discussions and a group project.

English Through Toronto

Develop your English language skills, and language learning strategies while you explore Toronto's history, historical buildings, churches, neighbourhoods and civilization, both in and outside of the classroom. Learn about and experience Toronto history through readings, videos, and field trips. The course will include written and oral assignments so that you'll be able to put your language learning into practice and track your progress in the course.

International Current Events

Master the language of international affairs and keep pace with today's changing political climate. Practice English through debates on politics, economics and law. Instructional media for this course includes television, video and the Internet.

Street Talk

Enhance your knowledge of everyday colloquial English to communicate more easily with native speakers outside the classroom. Informal language including idioms, phrasal verbs and slang, are taught for practical, real life situations using a variety of authentic materials such as TV shows, commercials and blogs.

Performing Arts Certificate in English

If you are looking for a way to express yourself and be creative, then the Performing Arts Certificate in English is for you! This Certificate program guides you from working with the written word to the spoken word with increased confidence and fluency. Adopt English speaking culture by embracing the tones, the colours, and the passion of the language! Find your English voice by progressing from shorter to longer written pieces, from dialogues to storytelling, radio, theatre and onward to theatrical or filmmaking productions. Develop a balance of speaking and writing skills - Bring your language to life - Transform written language skills into everyday spoken English - Expand your spoken and written vocabulary using a range of powerful speech production techniques - Work intensively on English language fluency and accuracy.

Green Leadership

In this course, you will learn vocabulary, expand your listening and fluency skills, prepare, write and deliver presentations and expand your overall English language skills, while focusing on a combination of leadership and environmental topics. What can one person do? What can awareness bring us? How can we work together as a team to make change happen? In this course you will challenge yourself to discuss and reflect on the environmental issues current on the North West Coast of Canada.

Academic and Test Preparation Courses

CELPIP Classes to Qualify for Canada Immigration English Language Certification

ESL in Canada is recommending CELPIP ZOOM classes with Rod

- cost for individuals is $499 for 16 hours - must be upper intermediate or advanced levels - class maximum is 10

- cost for individuals is $749 for 32 hours (repeated classes) for lower intermediate level students who want additional study time

- cost for special group classes or private classes at $125 - 200 per hour

- Use the ESL in Canada coupon to save $100 code: ESLnC100

- cost for special group classes or private classes at $125 - 200 per hour

Email ESL in Canada any questions or to start your studies

Academic Speaking & Listening

Students develop the speaking skills to participate effectively in academic classes and discussions, as well as to develop effective presentation skills.

Academic Vocabulary

Expand your knowledge and use of academic vocabulary; the course covers the most useful and frequently used academic vocabulary found in academic settings. Practice and review new vocabulary using a variety of methods, including speaking, discussions, writing sentences/paragraphs, reading, and quizzes.

Academic Writing

Academic Writing focuses on the skills needed to succeed in college, university or TAFE: essay writing, lecture comprehension, note taking, research and academic discussion skills.

Business English Cambridge

Improve your business English vocabulary and skills by focusing on aspects of the Cambridge BEC tests. Focus on business vocabulary, reading, writing, speaking and listening skills for business situations. Increase your professional chances in global job markets as well as opportunities to work abroad.

Cambridge Certificate in Advanced English (CAE)

The Cambridge Certificate in Advanced English (CAE) is the fourth level of the Cambridge exams in English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL). It is an advanced exam. The Cambridge Certificate in Advanced English (CAE) is the fourth level of the Cambridge exams in English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL). It is an advanced exam. Although the level of language skills required is not as high as for the Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency in English, CAE recognizes the ability to communicate with confidence in English and deal with most aspects of everyday life. CAE is seen by institutions of higher education in many countries as proof of adequate language skills for courses taught and assessed in English. Almost all universities in the United Kingdom and a growing number in the USA recognize CAE, as do many employers throughout the world. A list of institutions and employers that recognize CAE is available online. Studying for CAE helps learners to improve their language skills and use them in a wide range of contexts. The examinations are based on realistic tasks, and indicate the ability to use the language in practical situations. Successful candidates are able to participate in meetings and discussions, express opinions clearly and are able to understand and produce texts of various types, including business letters and reports. They will also be aware of the different styles of English appropriate to different situations.

Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency in English (CPE)

The Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency in English (CPE) is the highest level of the Cambridge exams in English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL). CPE is for learners who have achieved a high level of language skills and are able to function effectively in almost any English-speaking context. Successful candidates at this level are approaching a standard of English similar to that of an educated native speaker. CPE is an invaluable qualification for anyone who wants to work or study abroad, or to develop a career which requires language skills, including business, medicine, engineering and many other professions. CPE certificates are recognised by institutions of higher education in many countries - including almost all universities in the United Kingdom and a rapidly growing number in the USA. Employers throughout the world also recognize CPE. A list of institutions and employers that recognize CPE is available online. Studying for CPE helps learners to improve their language skills and to learn to use them in a wide range of contexts. Because many aspects of the exams are based on realistic tasks, gaining the CPE certificate demonstrates that learners have progressed beyond a good knowledge of vocabulary and grammar to actually using the language.

Cambridge First Certificate in English (FCE)

The Cambridge First Certificate in English (FCE) is the third level of the Cambridge exams in English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL). It is an upper intermediate level exam. FCE is designed for learners whose command of English is adequate for many practical everyday purposes, including business and study. Successful candidates will have a wide grasp of vocabulary, and should be able to construct an argument and use appropriate communication styles for a variety of situations.

They also need to show an awareness of register and of the conventions of politeness and degrees of formality as they are expressed through language. FCE is recognized by many universities and other educational institutions as proof of intermediate level English skills, and these institutions accept it as meeting part of their entrance requirements. Because the examinations are based on realistic tasks, an FCE certificate is an important asset for anyone who wants to work or study abroad, or in international business. Employers throughout the world recognize FCE.

FCE indicates sufficient proficiency in English to be of practical use in clerical, secretarial and managerial jobs in many industries, in particular tourism, where contact with English speakers is required. Successful candidates have the ability to deal with routine letters and telephone enquiries, and to cope with some non-academic training courses and simple textbooks and articles.

English for Academic Purposes

Designed to help you pursue further academic studies in English, this course will strengthen your reading and writing skills. You'll improve your grammar usage and build your vocabulary by exploring academic topics.


The IELTS Test is internationally recognized. Educational institutions and government agencies from over 120 countries trust the IELTS test as a valid indicator of ability to communicate in English. In Canada, IELTS is the one test used for immigration purposes and is required for overseas professionals to practice in Canada.

The IELTS Preparation Program is designed for non-native speakers who would like to take the IELTS Exam. Our program begins with an initial IELTS practice test to assess students' abilities. The instructor then focuses on meeting each student's individual needs throughout the course. Students will regularly practice the different components of the test, focus on specific modules of the exam in-depth (listening, speaking, reading and writing) and also learn test-taking strategies.

IELTS Reading

The IELTS Reading course provides students with focused practice on the IELTS Reading module. Students work through reading question types with detailed analysis of test strategies and reading skills for this section of the exam. The IELTS Reading course covers: Practicing reading test tasks - Develop effective test-taking strategies for the reading module - Building reading speed and fluency - Developing reading skills - Building vocabulary skills and strategies - Building dictionary skills.

IELTS Speaking and Listening

The IELTS Speaking and Listening course provides students with focused practice on the IELTS listening and speaking modules. The course guides students through the speaking and listening test modules and focuses on the skills and test-taking strategies for each question type. The IELTS Listening and Speaking course covers: Organizing and structuring answers for IELTS speaking tasks - Practicing speaking and listening test tasks - Developing effective test-taking strategies for the listening and speaking modules Developing listening and speaking skills - Building speaking fluency - Analyzing and using vocabulary and grammar effectively in speaking.

IELTS Writing

Many students find the IELTS writing module the most challenging to achieve the desired band score. The IELTS Writing course provides students with focused preparation for the IELTS Writing module. In this course, students work step-by-step through each writing task. They examine in detail the key strategies for success. They also develop writing and language skills to achieve higher scores on the writing module. The IELTS Writing course covers: Organizing and structuring answers for IELTS writing tasks - Developing effective test-taking strategies for the writing module - Building writing speed and fluency - Practicing writing processes - Developing writing skills - Analyzing and using vocabulary and grammar effectively in writing.

TOEFL Preparation - Prepare to increase your score on the Test of English as a Foreign Language through practice with the latest classroom and computer lab testing materials

TOEFL Speaking -Improve test scores on the Speaking section of the TOEFL iBT exam, through extensive practice using the latest testing materials in the classroom and in the computer lab. This course can be taken in combination with TOEFL� Preparation.

TOEIC Preparation - Companies use toeic to measure your ability to understand English business-related conversation and literature.

Writing - Challenge yourself by practising your writing daily, learning correct language structure and writing techniques for diverse genres and audiences. Learn the secrets of writing excellent essays.

Grammar - Improve your usage of standard English grammar.

Communication Courses


Develop skills to confidently handle personal and business situations. A wide variety of speaking and action skills are presented and used in the classroom. You will focus on developing fluency rather than on grammar correction or pronunciation difficulties unless they greatly interfere with communication. Develop new ways of expressing yourself in order to communicate clearly, make good choices, create realistic goals, and stand up for yourself in a positive way.


Build confidence and improve your fluency through daily practice, dialogues, role- plays and guided conversation.

Discussion Circle

Build new vocabulary and improve fluency through dynamic discussions on topics such as art, sports, psychology, food, science and technology.

English Communication

At the upper levels, you will progress through Speaking Dynamics, refining expressive language skills, debate and use of persuasive language. You will achieve Speaking Excellence by developing strategies for critical thought by delving into controversial issues. Improve use of complex language structure such as irony, problem solving and debate. You will work on becoming proficient in English by participating in Discussion Circles that aim to build native-like fluency using sophisticated vocabulary in dynamic discussions on topics such as art, sports, psychology, food, science and technology.


Build comprehension of spoken language by practising listening activities taken from daily social and academic situations.
Listening for Professionals - Increase comprehension of business and academic English. Practise understanding spontaneous informal language as well as explanations of abstract and theoretical ideas.


Practice and refine all aspects of pronunciation: sound, intonation, stress and mechanics. At the upper level, develop fluent and comprehensible speech through identification and correction of specific pronunciation weaknesses through diagnostic testing, teacher feedback, peer evaluation and self-monitoring.

Public Speaking

Master the secrets of effective public speaking. Learn speech organization, delivery techniques and listening skills. Public speaking is an excellent way to push English skills to a higher level.


Use and practice new vocabulary for a wide range of interesting and useful topics. You will expand your knowledge of everyday vocabulary, expressions and idioms, and develop strategies for learning new vocabulary.

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