Monday, June 19, 2023

How many GOALS were achieved in our top 15 List

 Watch the Siming Lan video "learning English has ruined my life" and then count how many of the top 15 goals were achieved.

Top 15 Goals for studying English as a second language

  • Immigrate into an English speaking country
  • Get hired at a first job
  • Be hired at a better company
  • Be promoted in your company
  • Sell and market your products to English speaking countries
  • Be able to operate a business completely in English.
  • Publish an authoritative business, scientific journal article in English
  • Be admitted and study in a North American university.
  • Be admitted and study in a North American university graduate program.
  • Travel independently in English speaking countries.
  • As an Artist, perform for English speaking audiences
  • Enjoy entertainment produced by English speaking artists
  • Use English instructions for computer applications. Surf the net in English
  • Score 950 on the Toeic test or 280 on the new Toefl exam
  • Study English Literature in the original text

First step " Choose your Goal" for learning English as a Second Language

Goals are your motivation. Goals can remind you of purpose and direction. Why do you need English as a second or third language. What do you wish to accomplish with English as a second language? Studying ESL requires thousands of hours of real effort - you need motivation and endurance to be able to study or work using the English language with native speakers.

 How to Study English as a Second Language PLAN

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Monday, June 5, 2023

ESL in Canada recommends both free and commercial ESL English classes

ESL in Canada recommends both free and commercial ESL English classes for example: the FREE Toronto ESL Cafe classes, the free LINC classes for new Canadians, the free English classes at many libraries, at accredited TESL Teaching schools, and some excellent low cost Board of Education classes.

ESL in Canada recommends a few affiliated ESL schools with colleges and universities where the students earn credits towards an undergraduate degree and enable entry into the regular college or university programs.

ESL in Canada recommends a few English classes at excellent independent ESL schools that cost between 12 to 18 dollars per hour.

 ESL in Canada recommends and provides some excellent private ESL and Business English teachers.

ESL English Classes in Canada

"ESL" English as a Second Language classes can be generalized into specific types usually by language skills such as: reading, listening, pronunciation, conversation, vocabulary, grammar and writing or be a combination of English language skills.

English classes can be generalized by purpose such as test preparation or English for work.

English classes can be generalized by content such as general purpose or industry specific vocabulary such as math or medicine.

For more complete class lists and explanations

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Tuesday, November 8, 2022

The Post Pandemic Education Agency Business has been changed

 The Post Pandemic Education Agency Business has been changed by online education and online shopping. 

The emergence and use of user reviews can be more accurate for students than " agent sales pitches"

Students who research locations, facilities, prices, reviews, and student experiences can make a better school choice.

War between Agents & Schools creates Education Wasteland

Once upon a time there was a happy balance between the education agents and the language schools. The agents provided admission services and translations and the schools taught the students. The average commission of 10 percent was paid to the agents. Almost all of the students stayed at the university residences. Everyone was happy.

The Beginning of the Problem

Some schools viewed the benefits of the longer term exchange programs and said "we should offer homestay - live with a Canadian family for the two or three months and enjoy your trip to Canada even more". The schools thought their stealing the exchange program housing was so brilliant that they decided to keep all of the commission. Now the agents had to work twice as hard selling the school and homestay and only got commission on half of the revenue.

The agents decided that they should charge fees for this extra work so created service fees that the students had to pay in advance for forms processing, airline ticket reservations and homestay applications.

The Problem becomes Larger

The schools realized that the agents were making more money from service fees than commissions so they created direct registration internet forms and hired their own staff of foreign speaking sales reps to compete with the foreign located agents.

The foreign agents then decided that since the schools were competing against them as agents then they should set up their own language schools and compete with the schools.

The Competition increases Costs Lowers Revenue

As the marketing wars heated up between agent-schools and school-agents they drove up the cost of trade fairs, coop advertising, brochures, media advertising and sales commissions and they created additional local competition.

The foreign agent-schools then decided that they had to increase sales and advertising spending and demanded higher commissions. They then reduced the cost of teachers, books and educational materials to better compete with the local schools and new groups of local agents.

There are now ex-students and ex-patriots located locally offering tuition discounts, no service fees, free baseball tickets, cheap housing and access to illegal jobs and other incentives to international students. These new local discount agents without an education background, training or experience are unable to distinguish between good or bad schools or good and bad programs or good and bad teachers. They just quote discount prices with stories that all the ESL English schools were the same.

Lower Revenue creates changes in Operations

The local schools went in two directions - some cut costs and became babysitting schools with no standards, no qualifications and no educational value while some attempted to set professional standards and operate with ethics.

Some of the local schools decided to fight the local discounters with summer specials and "special walk-in pricing" offered if you register directly for the first time in the school.

The foreign agents are trying to use exclusivity and monopoly and lock-down contracts to prevent certain ethnic groups from exercising their freedoms and rights while in countries such as Australia, the USA and Canada.

The local agents are now organizing small language classes disguised as special conversation clubs and opening street front drop-in centers. The agents are giving away food and creating a friendly happy environment with pretty staff to make the students welcome with a touch of "Home". To keep costs low they are offering a combination salary and sales commission to the salesman disguised as a teacher.

This war between education agents and language schools is over money. Just like all the other wars that humans engage in. The Agent and School War victims are the students who think they have purchased professional English language lessons, business English or internships but instead attend stripped down, gutted useless babysitting sessions with unqualified time fillers.

Students now have to know who and what they are dealing with. Is this a Local professional school, foreign professional school, local agent, foreign agent, agency-owned school, scam, degree mill or a baby-sitting school. You may need some help !!!

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Monday, November 7, 2022

English Language Future Verb Tenses and Conditionals

Simple Future

1. [am/is/are] + [going to] + [verb]
2. [will] + [verb]
(describes an action that will begin and be completed in the future)
I am going to study English next year in Canada.
I will help you study English tomorrow.

Future Continuous

1. [will be] + [verb + ing]
2. [am /is /are] + [going to be] + [verb + ing]
(describes an action that will begin in the future and continue)
I will be studying English when you arrive today.
We are going to be studying English next year in Canada.

Future Perfect

1. [will have] + [past participle]
2. [am/is/are] + [going to have] + [past participle]
(describes an action that will be completed before some point in the future)
I will have studied all the verb tenses by the end of today.
We are going to have studied all the chapters by five o'clock.

Future Perfect Continuous

1. [will have been] + [verb + ing]
2. [am/is/are] + [going to have been] + [verb + ing]
(describes an action that will continue until some point in the future)
I will have been studying English for one hour by the time you arrive.
We are going to have been studying for three hours by supper time.

Introduction to English Language Conditionals
Formats for Specific Purposes

A conditional format is used when the writer expresses an action or an idea that is dependent on a condition, on something that is only imagined in the present, in the past or the future.

Present Real Conditional
If I have money, I travel. (Sometimes I have money.)

Present Unreal Conditional
If I had money, I would travel. (I don't have money.)

Past Real Conditional
If I had money, I traveled. (Sometimes I had money.)

Past Unreal Conditional
If I had had money, I would have traveled . (I didn't have money.)

Future Real Conditional
If I have money, I will travel.

Future Unreal Conditional
If I have money, I am going to travel. (I don't know if I will have money or not.)
If I had money, I would travel. (I won't have money.)

Original Post: ESL in Canada

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