Tuesday, February 19, 2008

American Business English

American Business English

American Business English includes vocabulary specific to accounting, finance, investments, logistics, administration, management, sales, marketing, public relations, communications, media, manufacturing, engineering, natural resources, information technology, HR and personnel both formal and informal.

Recent Post on American Business English

You need American Business English for Google

Google has lots of products and services. When you subscribe to any of them you have to be able to read and agree to the TOS.

Do you know TOS?

It is now part of the vocabulary for business in the USA especially if you need to use Google or Yahoo or any of 1000 other software or web suppliers.

How many of the following terms do you know?

A/B Testing - Admin Level - Authentication - Average Page Depth - Bandwidth - Browsers - Byte - Cache - CGI Script - Click - Clickthrough Rate - Code - Content - Campaign Tracking) - Content-targeted advertising - Conversion - Cookie - Cost-per-click (CPC) - Cost source - Cron Job - Daemon - Default Page - Directory - DNS - Lookup - Domain - Domain Name System - Download - E-commerce - Encryption - End User - Error - Error Code - Exclude - File Type - Filter - Filter Field - Filter Name - Filter Pattern - Filter Type - Firewall - Form - Frame - FTP - GET Method - GIF - Goal Conversion Rate - Graphic User Interface - Hardware - Hit - Hostname - HTML - HTTP - Hyperlink - IIS - Impression - Include - IP Address - ISP - Java - JavaScript - Keyword - Log file - Medium (Campaign Tracking) - Meta Tag - Navigation - NCSA - Network - No Referral - Online - OS - Page - Pageview - Password - Pay-per-click - PDF - Platform - POST - Profile - Protocol - Query - arameter - Query Token - Query Variable - Referral Errors - Referrals - Referrer - Regular Expression - Repeat Session - Returning Sessions - Return on Investment - (ROI) - Revenue - Reverse DNS - Scalable - Script - Search Engine - Session - Site Domains - Source - Status Code - Subdirectory - Term - Top-Level Domain - Tracking Code - Unique Visitors - Unique Visitor Session - Untrackable Session - URL - User - User Agent - View Total - Visit - Visitor - Visitor Session - W3C

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Links to our favourite websites:

Link to ESL in Canada Directory of ESL English tutors, teachers, classes, lessons, Business English, Canada universities, colleges, schools, Canadian ESL English as a second language schools, programs, instructors, free ESL English lessons, homestay, education coaching, consulting services, student resources, information and advice across Canada, North America

Link to TLC Travel Language Culture Network language exchanges, travel, immigration, employment, shopping, homestay and professional services

Link to Sentence Master English Writing Game that helps students improve English grammar, English vocabulary, writing phrases, clauses and complete English sentences.

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