Friday, May 6, 2022

Street Slang Names and Situations


Behind bars - someone is in prison. ( Open Doors Event Toronto Don Jail )

 A steal - something costs much less than it is really worth. 

beyond the call of duty - much more than should be expected

Cat burglar - a skillful thief who breaks into places without disturbing people or setting off alarms. 

Get away with murder - when someone does not get caught or punished.

Highway robbery - Something that is ridiculously expensive

Honor among thieves - bad people sometimes have a sense of honor or integrity, or justice, even if it is skewed.

In the clink - someone is in prison. 

In the dock - someone is on trial in court. 

in the line of duty - doing what was expected in a particular job

Make out like a bandit - someone is extremely successful in a venture 

New sheriff in town - when a new authority figure takes charge.

off duty - not working 

On the case - someone is dealing with a problem. 

On the lam - someone is hiding from the police 

On the run - someone is avoiding arrest and hiding from the police. 

Pull a runner - If people leave a restaurant without paying, they pull a runner. 

Serve time - someone is in prison. 

Stool pigeon - is a police informer. 

Take no prisoners - aggressive actions without considering any harm they might do to achieve their objectives. 

Thick as thieves - close friends who have no secrets from each other. 

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