6:58 4 Words: Attention-Meaning-Relevance-Memory
7:58 1st Principle:Focus on Language Content that is relevant to you We learn tools the fastest when they are relevant to us
8:48 2nd Principle: Use your Language as a Tool to Communicate from Day One !
9:37 3rd Principle: When you first Understand the Language ... you will unconsciously Acquire the Language!
10:29 4th Principle: Physiological Training: Hear the language, if you can't hear it you cant understand it and you cant learn it, and speaking
11:38 5th Principle: Psycho-Physiological State matters: If you are happy, relaxed in an alpha brain state, curious you will learn very quickly, but dont be to perfectionist, be fine with understanding some and some not
12:16 7 actions for learning, 12:18 1: Listen a lot 12:42 2: get the Meaning first 13:29 3: Start mixing: If you have 10 verbs and 10 nouns you can create 1000 sentences 13:57 4: Focus on Core: 3000 Words covers 98% of anything you are gonna say in daily conversation
14:22 Week 1Tool Box:
Questions in Language to help you learn: "What is this?" ; "How do you say?" ; " I dont understand"
14:40 Week 2: You should be saying things like : you, that, me, hot ; Pronouns, Common Verbs, Adjectives 14:53 Week 3-4: Glue Words:although, but, therefore, and 15:20 5: Get a language Parent:
16:04 Rules for a language Parent: 1 works/tries to understand what you are saying; 2 Does not correct mistakes; 3 confirms understanding by using correct language; 4 uses Words the learner knows
16:28 6: Copy the Face: Hear how it feels and feel how it sounds, look at a native speaker uses their face
17:11 7: Direct Connect to mental Images: Verything you know is an image inside your head, go to that image and connect it with sounds
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